Posts tagged with "humanitarian pier"

USAID Report: Gaza “Humanitarian Pier” A Costly and Ineffective Venture


Former Director, U.S. Department of State / Senior Advisor at DAWN / DAWN; Founded by Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, DAWN promotes democracy & human rights in the Middle East and North Africa. 

We all remember the fiasco that was the “humanitarian pier” (and the airdrops – what happened to those, by the way?).

Yesterday, the USAID Inspector General released their review of the pier, finding that this $230 million exercise “allowed for the delivery of aid in Gaza at a time when land routes were restricted, it operated for about 20 days and allowed delivery of enough assistance to feed only 450,000 people in Gaza.”

This is notable for several reasons, primary among which is the line that “and routes were restricted” – of course without adding “by Israel.” Under U.S. law (Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act) we are not permitted to provide any form of assistance, including military assistance, to a country that is restricting the delivery of US-funded humanitarian assistance. As if it had not been obvious for, frankly, many years (let alone the past 10+ months) that this was the case in Gaza, the USAID OIG report is further evidence from the lips of the U.S. Government that these restrictions exist. Every single day and every single dollar that funds the IDF’s capabilities is a violation of our laws.

You can read the entire OIG report HERE, including the finding that “multiple USAID staff expressed concerns that the focus on using JLOTS [the pier] would detract from the Agency’s advocacy to open land crossings in Israel and Egypt, which were seen as more efficient and proven avenues for delivering aid to Gaza.”