Utica Students Will Be Counted In The March For Our Lives This Weekend





On March 24, the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets to demand that their lives and safety become a priority, and that we end gun violence in our schools and communities. Here in Utica, NY, students are heeding the national call to action. Many of them will be marching from Proctor High School to Oneida Square on Saturday. The march kicks-off at Noon.


March for Our Lives is a demonstration created and organized by #NeverAgain, a group of students who survived the February 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Every town for Gun Safety, a gun control advocacy group, is helping the students plan and coordinate the event. Organizers are calling on lawmakers to address the issue of gun violence in American schools by implementing comprehensive gun control legislation.



March for Our Lives has three primary demands:

  • Pass a law to ban the assault weapons frequently used to carry out mass shootings
  • Stop the sale of high-capacity magazines, restricting the amount of ammunition
  • Close loopholes in America’s background checks and implement laws that require background checks on every gun purchase, including those that occur online or at gun shows

For more information about this national event, click here.


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