Posts tagged with "covid"

Good Trouble In Prince George’s County, Maryland

Last year, 48% of Prince George’s County residents reported being food insecure, according to data from the Capital Area Food Bank’s Hunger Report. And the ministry of Iola and Keith Johnson who have a food pantry serving families and individuals who have fallen on hard times or are recently unemployed and need assistance to make ends meet, are bridging the gap despite all the noise surrounding their county.

With help from local business partners and farms, eager to help and even teach community members on food sustainability and farming, their ministry, Great Commission Change Of Life Ministries, provides food and other services to meet basic nutritional and other needs for those less fortunate.

Food pantry service is provided Thursdays from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. If you’re in need please call (301)785-0661 for more information on all the services they provide. To learn more about the Good Trouble Pastor Iola and Overseer Keith Johnson are taking on, please listen to our interview below and if possible, join in the fight to bring about a better world for all people. 

ePa Live interview with Pastor Keith Johnson of Great Commission Change Of Life Ministries in Prince George’s County: