Posts tagged with "buy local"

DC’s Eastern Market Is Turning 150 This Year!


📢 Eastern Market turns 150 in November and there’s a year-long celebration underway.

Eastern Market is the oldest continually operating public market in the nation. The celebrations kicked-off with Eastern Market Main Street’s transformation of the North Hall during cherry blossom season. Throughout the year the public will have more opportunities to celebrate the history of the Market, its future, and the role it plays in our community.  This weekend is the last weekend for Blossoms at the Market — it’ll be open both Saturday and Sunday. Be sure to check it out. The 150th celebrations have more exciting events and opportunities coming soon.

This weekend events:

  • April 8  DC  7pm Rawhides Country Dance
  • April 9  Outside Market Open for Easter 
Open 10am-3pm Tuesday-Sunday
