Posts tagged with "austin"

Remembering the Challenger Space Shuttle Accident: A Tragic Loss in Space Exploration History

Editor’s note: 35 years ago the nation witnessed a terrible tragedy in the global race to space.  Click HERE for the full report and remembrance from NASA.

On January 28, 1986, the world witnessed a devastating tragedy in the history of space exploration when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded just 73 seconds after liftoff.  Let’s delve briefly into the events leading up to the disaster, the investigation that followed, and the profound impact it had on NASA and the space program.

The Challenger Mission:
The Challenger (STS-51-L) mission was NASA’s 25th space shuttle flight and was intended to deploy a communications satellite, the TDRS-B. The crew consisted of seven brave astronauts: Commander Francis “Dick” Scobee, Pilot Michael J. Smith, Mission Specialists Ellison Onizuka, Judy Resnik, and Ronald McNair, and Payload Specialists Gregory Jarvis and Christa McAuliffe, a teacher selected through the Teacher in Space Project.

The Disaster:
The Challenger disaster unfolded during the launch phase when a failure occurred in the shuttle’s solid rocket boosters. A faulty seal in the right-hand booster allowed hot gases to leak and ignite the external fuel tank. The resulting explosion caused the vehicle to disintegrate and tragically claimed the lives of all seven crew members.

Investigation and Findings:
In the aftermath of the tragedy, an extensive investigation was conducted by the Rogers Commission, led by former Secretary of State William P. Rogers. The commission’s findings revealed that the disaster was primarily caused by the failure of the O-ring seals in the solid rocket boosters, which had been compromised by unusually cold weather conditions on the day of the launch.

Impact on NASA and the Space Program:
The Challenger disaster had a profound impact on NASA and the space program. The agency conducted a thorough review of its safety procedures and implemented significant changes to prevent similar accidents in the future. The disaster also led to a temporary suspension of the space shuttle program and a period of intense scrutiny and public debate about the risks and benefits of space exploration.

Legacy and Memorial:
The Challenger disaster serves as a solemn reminder of the inherent dangers of space exploration and the sacrifices made by dedicated individuals in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. The crew of Challenger is remembered as heroes who gave their lives in the name of exploration, and their memory continues to inspire and motivate future generations.

The Challenger Space Shuttle accident remains a pivotal moment in the history of space exploration, forever etched in the collective memory of humanity. The lessons learned from this tragedy have shaped NASA’s safety protocols and have made the space program more resilient. As we continue to venture into the vast expanse of the cosmos, we honor the memory of the Challenger crew and their unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of human exploration

Spotlight: Ms. Woolsey’s soccer ball. Click HERE for a special story of a soccer ball and the Challenger Crew. “It’s crazy that a little piece of leather would survive something as horrific as that incident,” Ms. Woolsey said, “One of my players said she was asked the question how did it feel the day this happened. I found her response really moving because she said ‘I was furious. I was angry that the only thing that came back instead of people’s parents was a ball.’”

The soccer ball was returned to the school following an official memorial service by President Ronald Reagan.

President Ronald Reagan addresses the nation after the Challenger accident:

Homelessness And The U.S. Census


I came to Austin to work the 2020 census and spend time with family here. Through the census I got an up-close look at the nooks and crannies of the city, and nose-to-nose encounters with Austinites living in its jewels of Westlake and between its toes under highway bridges and behind parking lots.

At the direction of the U.S. Census, my team and I were required to meet with residents and ask the formulaic questions about age, race and whether they owned or rented their homes. Knocking on a door in Bee Cave or Westlake generally involved getting through layers of security gates to reach breath-taking homes with pools, expansive views, or private docks on the lake. I got a lot of “Leave-Me-Alone” responses often couched as “I’m really busy,” and “I’ll do it online.” The underlying dynamic was, “You are uninvited on my property,” and “How did you get past security?”

When we completed the door-knocking count, selected teams focused on finding and counting Austinites in the tortured census acronym, TNSOL (Targeted Nonstructured Outdoor Locations) — in other words, the homeless. It was easy to follow the highways to find the tent and tarp communities under the overpass intersections. More challenging was to locate people disbursed in the woods, behind Walmart dumpsters and wherever they could catch a piece of dry land near an intersection where they could “fly” their cardboard signs asking for money.

We were fortunate to have introductions from support crews such as the Travis County constable, whose Precinct 3 team seeks out the most isolated encampments to deliver food and water. Other church-based and nonprofit organizations provide food and clean water to various camps — lifelines to a population that lives in the margins. Many people we encountered seemed to suffer from addictions and illnesses that they said cost them their jobs and put them on the street in the first place. In the one officially sanctioned homeless encampment on a former state Department of Transportation storage yard, I had expected to see rows of identical tents or temporary structures like the UN refugee camps in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East. Here, the hundred-plus inhabitants of Camp Esperanza make their own shelters through a hodgepodge of tarps, tents and cardboard.

With the homeless there was, of course, the quiet ‘Leave-Me-Alone’ posture when we approached. But this was different. There was not the ‘Get Off My Property’ look of the high-grounders and lakesiders. The homeless were acutely aware that they have no right to be where they were and possess absolutely no property to protect. The ‘Leave-Me-Alone’ looks we got behind the iron security gates said, ‘I am where I want to be, doing what I want to do.’ The ‘Leave-Me-Alone’ under Highway 183 meant, I am in a place no one wants to be, subject to eviction, and I am humiliated. Their security moats were fear and despair. But they also seemed to project a sense of small pride in the resourcefulness to have put together enough shelter to stay alive. And as it was particularly dangerous to be alone in the woods, there were touching stories of taking in others recently on the street.

Once the regular follow-up door knocking cases started winding down, a few field supervisors like myself volunteered to take on managing teams counting the homeless population during the fourth week of September. Very few of the original crews opted to switch and take on the TNSOL. I heard concerns about the added dangers of COVID-19 exposure, unfamiliarity with the homeless population and, frankly, no interest in becoming familiar with the homeless camps. The census began recruiting people to work with the homeless; the team members I ended up working with each had a heart for the task. I was proud of them.

They were committed to getting a full and accurate count of the homeless population, and we were able to get through the Leave-Me-Alone defenses behind the tarps by acknowledging the human dignity of the people we were to “enumerate” and convincing them that they were to be counted just like everybody else in Austin, no matter where they lived.

Lenoir is a retired federal prosecutor living in Austin.